Sunday, February 27, 2005

MSN Name: *Hannah's* life is a cabaret, old chum

I'm in the box office, which is basically normal (I believe my voicemail directs people to call for me here before searching elsewhere), except that an actual run is going on over behind that door to the left. From what I can hear, we're up to the signature/title/most famous song; a plus, as then I leave and then I can finally get that lunch thing I adore so much.

Anyway, the show's been going well (I watched the first half, but I needed to do some email stuff...thus now) and we haven't had any major catastrophes. I did get to give away some reserved seats, but that's not big. I also helped someone find his hat, and that was fun.

My big beef is that I don't know what to do most of the time. I mean, I have a general idea of what's going on, but I don't know if I'm supposed to make ushers stay, count up the house [we're sold out plus two today, for the record], or stalk around and make sure there are no more donut ladies. Everyone seems to think that I'm staying through the entire show, each night, full stop, but I know most of them also know that I'm working ASM on the lab show. I can't be in both places at once, yet there's stuff I get to do after intermission, and I have to stay about two scenes in at the beginning by the time I finish basic duties.

Sigh. Anyway, Sally's about to finish her big number, and I should try to send that email again.

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