Thursday, June 30, 2005

"They may be holding out for a hero, but we're holding out for sunshine! Ha ha ha...what?"

The interns (and various other members of the production staff) have been holding our collective breaths over the possibility of a rainout tonight. As the weather has been verging on the miserable all day (and often dive into wretchedness), the show might get cancelled. The unfortunate part--and no, it's not being canceled; do you think I'd pass up a chance to reach home before midnight?--is the official inclement weather policy only comes into play if (1) the start time gets delayed by a full hour or (2) we can't pull together a full [not necessarily continuous] hour worth of show. Personally, I'd just say screw it to the entire evening, but I'm far from the top of the list. The stagehands for Footloose have an ongoing joke that I have to answer to the gardener, I'm so far down. If we did take a poll of everyone working the show tonight, however, you might find more than a majority ready to take off the night and head back to their respective beds.

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