Wednesday, December 07, 2005

now mentally preparing to be hit by someone, anyone

Hey! I was totally going to go to bed at a decent time tonight! Too bad I forgot about all that junk for the business meeting tomorrow, oh and the inability to do it in the morning because I switched tour times so I could avoid any and all head exploding action Friday. Yay!

Also, anyone who reads this and will see Melissa: feel free to ask her what her new theme song is as of today. Just wait for me to be gone so the title doesn't need to reach fruition.

The phrase "reach fruition" is funny to me right now. I need three more revamped goals and feel a sudden urge to practice hair curling. People who keep me up past two o'clock, thus making my inner clock reset to screwy time, are somewhat less my friends at this moment. Everyone needs to stop coming across so amusing to me.

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