Monday, February 06, 2006

As of 2-6-06

Some Thoughts:

* There's a point in every movie when you just have to stop whatever "productive" type project is currently occuring and watch until the end. For me, this happens when we hit the Door Storage section of "Monsters, Inc.," especially once Boo's attacking Randall.

* The best play rehearsals involve moments of deep off-topic-ness, such as tonight's diverging into Homestar Runner (specifically Lil' Bruther and the Teen Girl Squad).

* Related: did anyone else realize you can get [select] Strong Bad e-mails for your video iPod...basically meaning anyone with iTunes can now experience the glory of Children's Book, Lil' Brother, and Techno at any moment of the day? Because...dang.

* A normal human being would cry/vomit after consuming the number of pickle spears currently sloshing in my stomach. My reaction? Yum-yummy, with just a slight touch of "anything else to eat?"

* Related: This Melissa-Aaron thing is a good thing.

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