Saturday, June 03, 2006

further ignoring the time plan and pre-written posts

I'm in Missouri AND Jeff City, so I'm officially Done With This Trip. Perhaps there should be italics too, as in Done With This Trip, but that's probably pushing it.

Also, I'm still jetlagged. But it's more like jetlagged.

Hee hee, fonts are fun.

Anyway, back in the realm of normal thought: I'm sad the trip is over, yet happy that I'm no longer jetting around foreign countries and eating fancy meals in-between scouting out historical and vaguely-historical locations. Like, in a non-sarcastic way. My last cash drop for this trip will be paying for film developing, and if anyone wants to bet on how much it costs to develop fourteen rolls of film (plus CD and some with doubles), I'd hate to hear such things in advance. I'll post the final count, and someone can let me know who wins the pot so I know who to hit up for the 10% commission. This will help pay my credit card bill when it arrives.

Pictures will be forthcoming. Stories will spill out randomly as they spew from my mind, unattached to any other thought process.

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