Wednesday, November 01, 2006

if I'm dreaming/then I'm dreaming of you

I crashed on the couch while watching MST3K as my version of Halloween (not feeling quite social enough for another party) and--upon waking forty minutes later with no clue in the world about what was going on anymore--I went to bed at not quite 8:30.

If we can see by the post time, this was not the greatest idea.

Further insult to injury, not including the parts about massive remodeling of our bathroom and the stage with all the history of famous circus clown/cowboy performers (what?), I had been in the middle of a wonderful dream where I drove up to a house in the country and snuck up on my favorite zombie and angelfish, announcing my presence by pelting them both with the best powder snow the Midwest can offer.

And now I'm extra mad that I can't fall back asleep.

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