Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I'm really only looking because I got a coupon in the mail, which reminded me anew that I wanted one, and I'm sorta checking if I should avoid purchasing such things because I'm going to get one anyway.


In other news, I need Black Friday to arrive and leave so I can stop obsessing and start enjoying the inevitable new stack of movies that I could justify spending only $3 on apiece. I also need to get some sleep since I've run myself around entirely too much lately, especially with the amount of Not Sleeping that I've been doing on top of things. (I must be doing something proper, though, since I had a brief conversation in passing with the almighty artistic director today who wanted to mention how pleased she was with me. This also can help justify the pretty as an "earned it" item.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Buy it. Buy it. Buy it. Buy it. Buy it. Buy it. Buy it. Buy it. You know you want it!
Hannah's Mom