Monday, November 20, 2006

just a note before I go

I've been in a funky mood lately, and I'd like to blame in on the fact that I have all sorts of tech going on (which generally puts me in A Mood) and not that I'm feeling the lonely effects of choosing to watch massive amounts of movies stored on my DVR instead of calling up people and going out somewhere. It doesn't help that almost all of the people who I hang out with in Texas are involved with the mainstage, killing their evenings and most of the weekend. I want my show to start so I can fall in love with all the tech and audience participation all over again.

In other news, last week I was told that I looked like an anime character with my faux Mary Janes and chopstick-like pencils in my pigtails. Two days previously I'd inevertibly dressed in all black with boots and felt very ninja-esque. The next day I was referred to as "the most sarcastic person I know," which was most likely exageration (considering the source), but not completetly without merit. I blame my constant changing images last week on the influence of Googlism.

In other other news, I need to do laundry. No, seriously. And get new music in my head, much as I appreciate the humor of "25th Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee." I am, afterall, the most sarcastic person some people know.

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