projects, non-work related-
It's good to note that having the reward I had promised myself for cleaning up all my music and other multimedia files has actually increased how much time I spend on cleaning up files. As this has been happening while I've felt off-and-on ill (and therefore antisocial), so much the better. (Even if I still won't succeed fully before my flight to Places Not Texas in two weeks.)
I started to make a dent in my pile of hand wash only clothes that had accumulated over the past few months, what with the mild summer-like weather gracing December today. It's times like that when I'm thankful for the back patio (somewhere to place it)...and need more chairs.
Also, did you know I was approved for vacation in June? Did you know I was planning on going *anywhere* in June? Would it suprise you to know it's New York for Tony Week with fellow ADP folk? That's the best kind of project.