Friday, January 04, 2008

come on knock on my door

I feel like I should post something for New Year's/End of Year Wrap-Up-ness, but I also lack the motivation to do so. (I lack the motivation for other things as well, judging by my rousing dinner of pickles.)

I think 2007 had the unfair advantage of coming after 2006, which was one of the most awesomest, rockingest years up to that point. Sure, 2007 was the year I first became addicted to text messages, my first professional mainstage, my first time not being killed by a mainstage, and--I don't know--my obsession with polka dot flats. Otherwise, it was filled with lots of stress and not sleeping and plenty of laughter mixed with plenty of asking if this was how life was supposed to go.

Fun, I know.

To reiterate, as I did so many times in the previous year and today at lunch: I love what I do. I have no issues with people paying me to call shows and write blocking and coordinate tech and have in-jokes with actors and the other ten zillion tiny parts of being a SM. I'm just starting to feel the natural itch of wanting to travel and discover...and a fair amount of the year was spent deciding if the urge originated with myself or somewhere higher.

So. A few goals for 2008:

* Don't freak out about life. No, really, Smith.
* Stop killing my plants on the patio.

Yeah, that's all I have for now. Again, *pickles.* I'm going to look at all my food in the pantry until I find something I feel like eating. Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Knock knock