Tuesday, February 19, 2008

all manner of emotions

I've had this up for the past, oh, thirty minutes or so unable to put into coherant words this day. It started with a feeling of dread, fulfilled the feeling of dread, fulfilled it again, and ended with the most dysfunctional performance of Peter that we've had yet. In a way, Peter actually saved the day from total loss; if things hadn't been so laughably atrocious, I don't know what would've happened.

Here's where I'm going to become all vague-like.

I respect people's ability to make decisions for themselves, even as those same might affect [all] those around them. I maintain the right not to agree with those decisions, or even just how they're handled. I promise to [try] not to hold it against people afterwards, at least not for long.

Also, I promise to start getting SQ G right or else stop attempting it all together. (That's a seperate thought.)