Saturday, May 09, 2009

I came in to do show reports, but somehow ended up on Facebook photo albums. I don't understand it, either.

It saddens me to think that I no longer have a yearly theatre banquet to look forward to at the end of the season. And--before anyone points it out--Spotlighter Awards does not count, as there is almost a zero chance that people will dance to "Love Shack" by the evening's end.


will said...

Plus, you specifically said "to look forward to," so that generally disqualified SLN anyway.

Travis said...

*comes to the same brutal realization* Awwww...

Hannah said...

I look forward to wearing a swanky dress (and possibly a headset!) at SLN, so it's not a total wash.

Don't be sad, intern, at least then you don't have final exams after Spotlighter.