Monday, May 11, 2009

Mrs. Whatsit and Mrs. Who walk into a bar...

I have a sudden and inexplicable urge to make a joke about tesseracts. I don't know where it came from; it's not like my brain has a stored up wealth of "Why did the tesseract cross the road..." jokes.

A craft project (and possibly bubbles) to anyone who can come up with a decent tesseract joke. Surely there's an ex-mathlete out there somewhere who has some ideas.


Travis said...

A tesseract looks longingly at a sphere as she chats with a tangent line. "I wish we were that close," he thinks, "but she thinks I'm just a big square."

Sorry, that's the best I got...

Travis said...


I thought about starting it, "A tessaract and a black hole sit down for some tea." But then I realized that the punchline of that joke could not possibly be as funny as the given circumstances.