Friday, May 15, 2009

narwhals and bacon

To answer [here] the question I've heard a lot today: No, I never got my cheeseburger. But that's okay.

To post [here] what apparently didn't post to my twitter this morning on the bus ride in: Stuck behind a train which is stuck behind a man walking the tracks. What? (I don't understand, either.)

To continue posting in the same ridiculous manner: all the Grace staff who were working post-4 p.m. are very impressed with your ability to nail birthday presents, Mother Dear. I assume that it is only natural, after knowing me for twenty-five (yikes!) years that you would send me a Shakespeare action figure and zombie pet figurines. (P.S. - the bird is my favorite, but the rabbit is a close second)


Anonymous said...


will said...

Did you come up with names for them? The only name I could come up with was "Thoreau." Not sure why.

Hannah said...

I say the fish should be Thoreau, as he comes from Walden Pond...OF DOOM!

(Yes, this is how English majors entertain themselves late at night. Even if it's noon.)