Monday, August 16, 2004

The door opens again!!!

I'm sure most of y'all would rather hear about my vacation, etc, but for the three of you who care desperately about Harry Potter: J.K. just released a [tiny, eensy] excerpt from HBP behind all sorts of stuff in the ? room.

Go to the room, and click on the now-"Do Not Disturb"-less door handle. Find and turn on the light switch; it's approximately 1/3 of the way in from the left and directly across from the bottom of the window frame. When the light clicks on, you'll see a dart board. Stick darts into the 7, 1, and 3 (for Harry's Gringott's vault, #713). The code for the now appearing security safe is 302723.

Doesn't she realize giving something as short and mysterious as the finally appearing scrap of paper would make me want the book more than ever?

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