Monday, November 21, 2005

By "just," I actually mean "about three hours ago."

I just bet Jared Latore $1.07 (one bill, two pennies, one sad nickel), what's left of my blue post-it notes, two cough drops, and a "mostly filled-in #155" word search book to eat what was potentially a milk dud left in the napkin holder of the SUB table. It was not actually a milk dud, but apparently not vile enough to apply the mouthwash until about an hour later.


* I wonder what dogs would think of "CATS?" -Michael, after the suggestion to branch into new fields of theatre, such as for animals

* We're laughing with you, even though your laugh is that of sorrow. -Jared to Michael, actually not related to the above

* Because you know what tuna tastes like? Freedom. -Jared, on why you can't live in the dorms after living off-campus

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