Sunday, May 21, 2006

earlier week drafting, ten minute shift, let's go

FUN FACT: British pollen is so much worse than American pollen, I can't even describe it. No, really.
5-18-06, 10:05 p.m. LON

My original plan was to write this on the balcony (FUN FACT: not so much a balcony as a thick rain gutter with solid pipe handholds)--not to be confused with the downstairs computer connection I'm using right now. The group, however, voted I was too sleep-deprived wonky to be allowed onto such locations, and I agreed. This show of logic mearly proves we're not totally gone, but it's close.

Wed/Thur melded into the same day, between the time zones and long flight and attempting to stay up before realizing sleep was a better option (SIDE FACT: I fell asleep to Freebird, woke up with Good Morning, Baltimore, and ate half-frozen oranges for breakfast.) The more I move around, the less sleep I become, and--I guess--my body remembers it should be enjoying a Midwestern afternoon and chooses to ignore the sweet, sweet picture of London at night. (FURTHER SIDE FACT: My stomach refused to stop gurgling, sensing afternoon snack time despite everything else I've shoved into it already. PERTINENT FACT: It still hasn't hit me that I'm here. Maybe when I'm awake and able to be trusted with "balconies"?)

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