Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I believe in the magic of rain.

Any day that begins with waking up to rain outside the window, whether you beat the alarm or not, is bound to be filled with wonderful things. Though things started slow, I give a list of all the ways today swerved into completely awesome:

* not needing a jacket at the bus stop at 8:45 a.m. in December

* an audience with the decency to show up on time for their show

* dinosaur imitations in the booth (I'm more a pterodactyl than a T-Rex)

* church bells

* taking a field trip to a place called "The Chocolate Bar"

* making the aquantance of the above's next door neighbor, "Candylicious"

* rediscovering Kinder Surprise Eggs

* discovering that Kinder Surprise Eggs are technically illegal to buy/sell in the U.S.

* pizza in the box office

* random gingersnaps showing up on my desk, mid-phone call

* returning to Candylicious; purchasing illegal items

* the possibility of mini-golf

* Christmas cards from delighful people

* only partially burned muffins (score!)

* a sudden doorstop full of guys looking to play a vaguely RPG-type card game

* breaking out the giant bag of Tootsie Rolls

* devouring the giant bag of Tootsie Rolls

* perfect walking weather at midnight a.m.

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