Saturday, July 14, 2007

I don't think I should keep my 3" Harry Potter on my desk at the Christian theater company, huh?

I feel the need to post, not only because it's been quite some time since the last (I've opened P&P, hosted Caleb, and seen the new Harry Potter movie), but also because I fear I did nothing but cause my mother more worry by calling home.

I wanted to let her (and now, the world) know that I received confirmation that I was being officially offered a position with the company. This was, naturally, after I also received a breakdown for the stage management assignments for the next year which featured my name four times in a row at my beloved Rotunda. I will have the summer off next season. I like this plan.

The worrying part was when we delved into a conversation about how busy I've been, how many hours I've logged recently, and actually used the phrase "I shouldn't be telling you this, should I?" I am busy, and I probably am working harder than I need to (and I will ignore anyone who questions my use of "probably" in that sentence), but I am still mostly sane and more rested after having the morning off today.

Also, other productive things in my life besides P&P:
* I have a roommate from last year. We are already planning to go to London.

* If you don't think I haven't been spending time in the booth plotting what I'm going to wear to the HP7 release party next Friday night, then you clearly saw me reading the High School Musical 2 magazine. Or, you know, saw me call some cues.

* Mexican Coke seems to taste just like regular Coke, except the bottles are taller and skinner.

* Skippy the DVD player has spun his last. I priced replacements within ten minutes of his expiration.

* This free subscription to Netflix is going to be awful hard to break from at the end of the month.

* My police report finally came back, so I'll be debt free to the library as of tomorrow. That's something Mom can be happy about!


Anonymous said...

Poor Skippy

Caleb Michael said...

For the record, I spent the time immediately before and after church Sunday reading Potter books.

Of course, I did not take the book to church with me.

Anonymous said...

"Christian Theatre"????
