Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I've been spending lots of time on weather-themed websites lately.

I love how there's always that point of tech week when I think about what things I'd do in life if I were not a stage manager and therefore stressing about ridiculous things. (Examples? Tortise shell straps, bell dings, fake money, trees potentially killing the audience, fifteen scene shifts in one show. And, currently, ginormous yellow window frames.) Obviously, I always come to my senses (meaning: haven't come up with a solid alternative yet), but I do wonder how long I'll put up with the drama.

Also drama: Ike (Thanks, Mom! I still have all those milk gallons!) and the off-and-on sharp pain in my back/side that is potentially in the vicinity of my kidneys. Since I don't trust theater people to be up on their human anatomy, I'm using that as an excuse to not do anything about it. Excuse me while I download all manner of free NBC shows from iTunes to celebrate all the money I'll spend buying 30 Rock each week.

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