Monday, October 25, 2010

Speaking of '80s films...

Five year old me is all a-flutter tonight, as she realized that someday, twenty-six year old her not only got to see her Family Ties crush*, Michael J. Fox, on the big screen, but also come home with a full-size Back to the Future poster.

If only she knew twenty-six Hannah would be so in love with London that she'd have no wall space left, though. That part's kinda a bummer to kindergarten Hannah.

(*People of the world: have you heard my mother tell the story about my childhood crush on Michael J. Fox? It involves laminated pictures under pillows. Ask her sometime if you require amusement.)


Anonymous said...

Does that mean the well-worn picture of Michael J. Fox in the cedar chest can be throw away? I think NOT!

Hannah said...

Why would you throw it away when it hasn't been used to embarass me in front of future husband yet? Silly Mamita.

Melissa said...

Why have I not heard of this yet?

Anonymous said...

I believe one of the laminated pictures are in the cedar chest as we speak.

Sarah Cooksey said... were not so far from the little girl at the Rotunda with a laminated picture of Marty as Fleet. Hehe. He'll love that!